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Neuroinclusivity Bay Area

I  am                                                                    (he/they) an openly autistic Brazilian American actor, podcaster, blogger and  board member at Autism Career Pathways (501c3).

George Muniz Gund

In my acting work, I prioritize authenticity, emphasizing the process of earning a character rather than simply portraying one.

George Muniz Gund Actor Bay Area


In my podcast, “Unpacking Neuroqueerness”, I talk about my lived experiences as an autistic person and host a variety of guests to speak of their own lived experiences with Autism and Neurodiversity.

I also speak of different ways we can all advocate together by challenging societal norms and the systems of oppression that hold them in place, with the goal of making the world a kinder, more inclusive place to folks like me, who often don't fit the traditional molds and expectations of modern society.


Unpacking Neuroqueerness Podcast
Autism & Neurodiversity Resources
Autism & Neurodiversity Resources

Support Group Leader at Autistic Thrifter, Content Creator

Matthew Broberg Moffit Soundbite
00:00 / 00:48
Ashra Piterman (_autisticthrifter) Soundbite
00:00 / 00:43

Ashra Piterman

Matthew Broberg Moffit

Autistic Chef and Author of "Color, Taste, Texture"

Through my blog, I write essays highlighting what Autism and ADHD feel like from the inside, a perspective often dismissed in today's society. One of my main goals is to help educate and inform those who have Autistic friends, family members, students, teachers or clients.

"I will not be complacent", a social justice monologue


A breakdown of ableism and autistiphobia in the acting industry

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